ROBIN MCAULEY Shares Title Track Of Upcoming 'Soulbound' Solo Album

January 9, 2025

Legendary rock vocalist Robin McAuley will release his new solo album, "Soulbound", on February 28 via Frontiers Music Srl. The official lyric video for the LP's title track can be seen below.

McAuley said: "Very excited about the release of another single, 'Soulbound', the title track from my new and third solo record on Frontiers Music Srl. I can't wait for you to hear this and I know you are going to love it.

"Give it a like and share it on your social media platforms and I look forward to reading your comments.

"You guys rock!!! PLAY IT LOUD!!!"

"Soulbound" sees McAuley's voice continuing to defy time, sounding as inspired and powerful as ever. The new album is definitively more guitar-driven straight hard rock compared to his previous albums and is still wonderfully melodic, infectious, and fist-in-the-air uplifting.

McAuley previously stated about "Soulbound": "I can't wait to share record No. 3 with you all from Frontiers Music Srl. 'Soulbound' is a much edgier, harder guitar-driven record than my previous two for the label. In addition, I'm working with a new producer from the Frontiers label, Aldo Lonobile, who brought these songs to life with his kick-ass production."

"Soulbound" showcases the respected Irish rock singer's desire to make a strong musical statement in what is proving to be his most creative period.

To kick the announcement off, McAuley shared the album's first track, "'Til I Die", alongside a music video, available below.

About the single, McAuley said: "We had so much fun shooting this mini-movie with the great production team of Enzo Mazzeo and Eric Boadello. ''Til I Die' comes at you right out the gate with heavy drums and biting guitars as I race across the Western wasteland to escape the unknown demons and images haunting me and determined to track me down. It's a race for survival at all costs.

"Come join me and escape together!!!!"

After reemerging on the recording side of the music industry with guest spots on MICHAEL SCHENKER FEST albums and tours in addition to fronting the hard rock supergroup BLACK SWAN, McAuley was (and still is) feeling invigorated and ready to explore even more creative output to let the world see that his voice is still as powerful as ever.

Work for "Soulbound" began in early 2024, following an intense musical period in between tour dates and studio work. With a slightly different production approach compared to the previous album, Robin's vocal performance here is simply outstanding. Truly an iconic voice of the genre, "Soulbound" solidly delivers the more hard and heavy aspects of this respected artist.

Robin's backing band includes some of the previous artists who appeared with him on previous efforts, including guitarist Andrea Seveso, as well as some new talent such as guitarist Alessandro Mammola and drummer Alfonso Mocerino.

"Soulbound" track listing:

01. 'Til I Die
02. Soulbound
03. The Best Of Me
04. Crazy
05. Let It Go
06. Wonders Of The World
07. One Good Reason
08. Bloody Bruised And Beautiful
09. Paradise
10. Born To Die
11. There Was A Man


Produced by: Aldo Lonobile
Studio: TMH Studio, Institute Of Noise LA
Recorded by: Aldo Lonobile, except vocals recorded by Andy Zuckerman
Mixed by: Aldo Lonobile
Mastered by: Aldo Lonobile

McAuley is widely recognized as one of the great singers of a golden period in hard rock music. His voice can be heard on albums from GRAND PRIX and FAR CORPORATION, and, of course, on the chart-topping MSG records "Perfect Timing", "Save Yourself" and "MSG". Through these releases, he was introduced to hard rock fans around the globe, who no doubt recognized the inherent talent and skill in his vocal abilities.

Once he departed MSG, McAuley released one solo record in 1999, then joined AOR legends SURVIVOR. He then re-teamed with Schenker in MICHAEL SCHENKER FEST on their recent records "Resurrection" and "Revelation". And, of course, in what was an absolute revelation to hard rock fans around the world, in 2020, he came out swingin' as the frontman of the supergroup BLACK SWAN, where he joined forces with Reb Beach (WHITESNAKE, WINGER),Jeff Pilson (FOREIGNER, ex-DOKKEN) and Matt Starr (ACE FREHLEY, MR BIG).

Recording lineup:

Robin McAuley - Vocals
Andrea Seveso, Alessandro Mammola - Guitars
Aldo Lonobile - Bass/additional guitars
Alfonso Mocerino - Drums

Additional keyboards: Antonio Agate

Photo credit: Enzo Mazzeo

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